Gordon L. Nelson Health Sciences Building

Biomedical Waste Management

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Biomedical waste is described as any solid or liquid waste which may present a threat to humans, including non-liquid tissue, body parts, blood, blood products, and body fluids from humans and other primates; laboratory and veterinary wastes which contain human disease-causing agents; and discarded sharps.


All university personnel (faculty, staff, and students) that generate or work in close proximity to biomedical waste must be trained before commencement of duties and refresher trained annually.

Please follow the below instructions for Online training. Instructions to take the HSI Introduction to Biosafety Course are below:

Login to Online training with your TRACKS/CAS information.

  1. Click on “Enroll in New Course”. Choose the “Introduction to Biosafety" course.
  2. Click the (home) tab to view your new course.
  3. Click on start tab to begin your training. 

Florida Tech is a large quantity generator of biomedical waste. Proper handling and disposal of this waste is critical to worker safety, the health of the community and the protection of our environment.

Environmental Health and Safety staff oversees the biomedical waste program for Florida Tech, but our continued success depends on the efforts of faculty, staff and students. Please use the information provided in the right pane to educate yourself on the proper management of your waste.